Hey lovely readers!! I hope you're enjoying your Spring. We've had awesome weather in Kansas lately which means lots of outside fun with the little brothers and sisters. And with Spring comes storm season which is my absolute FAVORITE!! (However, it means lots of sleepless nights for my parents since the little sisters aren't nearly as fond of storms as we are.)
As you probably know, I'm happily home with my family and loving it.
After 35 hard, tear-filled goodbyes, I left YWAMDP and my new wonderful family there to return home to Kansas where my original awesome family waited eagerly for my return. It was so hard to say goodbye, but it's truly great to be home.
Coming back to the States was harder than expected, and it took me a little bit of time to re-adjust to this culture and be willing to talk to people again. I finally emerged from my house a week into coming home and am now [pretty much] fully functioning. For my standards. :)
My life for the next week consists of helping out at home with the kids and drinking tons of coffee. Then I'll be heading to California to watch one of my favorite girls/my ex-roommate get married!
On April 7th, I will head to Colorado Springs to attend YWAM's Foundations of Counseling Ministries secondary school to study more about how to know myself better and know others better. I am hoping to come out of this training with a greater knowledge of how to help the hurting and show love even better to people around me.
This school was placed on my heart about halfway through my DTS, and after praying about which steps to take when I returned home I got the go-ahead from God to apply for the FCM. It is a step towards the dream God gave me during DTS (which I will share in a future post) and I'm excited about the opportunity to go discover more about what God has for me. He never ceases to blow my mind.
I am happy to let everyone know that my FCM is paid for! Hallelujah!!! (I hate fundraising!) All I really ask for are prayers for the next step!
I am so thankful for those of you who are faithful in praying for me. Numerous people have let me know they prayed for me every day I was overseas. I know your prayers were what made my DTS so life changing and wonderful, and I can't even tell you how grateful I am for the love and support you all have shown me.
Here's to the end of one incredible season right into another. :) Love you all!!