I've been bad about posting updates because my life is absolutely crazy right now. But all the running around will be worth it in ...
22 DAYS!!!
Time is absolutely flying by. I'm so excited about this journey. More than ever.
A few updates from the life of Alyssa:
Uriah, Kaycee, and I had our fundraiser at Gambino's Pizza last Thursday.
It was a long day, but so stinking cool to see how people came together in the community to support our cause. THANK YOU to all of you who showed up and bought food/left donations for us last week!!! We feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a generous community!
Over the weekend, I drove to Oklahoma to drop Uriah and Kaycee off so they could hang out with Uriah's family a little bit before flying out of OKC to spend nine months in South Africa. I was happy to spend time with them during this time, but I totally underestimated how God would use the weekend to refresh and encourage me on this part of my journey.
Let me tell you, these people didn't make me feel anything but loved the entire day. They encouraged me through example, conversation, and prayer/intercession. They confirmed things that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me previously and helped me release feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty. I felt submerged in Jesus all day long, and it was marvelous. Like fitting a week of camp into a single day. I've never met a couple who are so in tune with the Holy Spirit. I think Cam is a lot like what Jesus was like when he was walking the earth. There is so much love and compassion in him, and it shines through in everything he says and does. Mom pointed out that that's how Christians SHOULD be. They are awesome examples of what it looks like to have a heart like Christ.
This picture was taken during the final worship time of the day. Cameron's dad is also a musician, and he kept stopping the music in order to split us up into four part harmonies. We were laughing so hard, but it actually turned out to be really good! And so much fun!
I'm thanking God today for the refreshing weekend he gave me without me even asking for it. I got to spend time with Uriah, Kaycee, Cameron, and Christine, as well as my Sunday Night Supper friends in Edmond. I love the people God has so generously placed in my life!!!
If you want to pray for me, I have some requests!
- I was asked to speak about my trip and what God is doing in my heart at a couple of churches these next two weekends. As you may know, I am an introvert who absolutely HATES attention being put on me, so this is a big time of stretching in my life. God is putting me out of my comfort zone so I can grow. I'm excited about it, but also a little terrified. Pray for courage for me please!! And for God to give me the words to say.
- Pray for sanity during these last few weeks as I figure out what needs to happen in order for me to be ready to live outside of the United States. I've never done anything like this before, so it's completely new territory!
- Funding is coming in thanks to many of you, and I am patiently awaiting the selling of my car which will help tremendously. Pray for someone to come along who wants my beautiful Scion!
Feel free to spread the word!!! Here's the link:
Thanks everyone! :)
Have a wonderful week!!!
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